May 5, 2022

4 Ways to Reduce Moving Stress for Busy Mums


Being a busy mum is no easy feat. Between taking care of the kids, running errands, and working, your plate is already more than full. Moving can add to the stress and make it even harder to manage everything. Fortunately, there are some strategies you can use to reduce the stress of moving and make it easier to handle. Read on to learn more about how to reduce stress for busy mums.

Definition of Stress

Stress is defined as a feeling of strain and pressure. It's caused by a person's response to a demand or threat. Moving is a common source of this type of stress because it can require a lot of planning and preparation. It's also a major life change that can cause a lot of anxiety and worries.

Why Moving Can Be Stressful for Busy Mums

Moving is a big job and it can be especially stressful for busy mums. You’re already juggling a lot of responsibilities and adding a move to the mix can make it even harder to keep up. This type of stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health, so it’s important to find ways to reduce it.

Strategies to Reduce Moving Stress

There are several strategies you can use to reduce the stress of moving. Here are four of the most effective:

Hire Professional Movers

Hiring professional movers can make the entire process much easier and more efficient. They can handle all the heavy lifting, packing, and unpacking for you, which can save you a lot of time and stress. Make sure you hire a reputable company with experience in moving and be sure to get an estimate in writing before you agree to any services.

Organise and Plan Ahead

Organising and planning ahead can go a long way in reducing moving stress. Start by making a list of all the tasks you need to complete and then create a timeline and budget. This will help you stay organised and on track with everything. You should also start packing early, so you’re not scrambling at the last minute.

Delegate Tasks and Take Breaks

Delegating tasks to family members and friends can help reduce your stress levels. This will give you a break from the overwhelming tasks of packing and moving and will also make it easier to get everything done on time. Make sure to take breaks throughout the process and give yourself time to relax and recharge.

Create a Support System

Having a support system during a move can be invaluable. Lean on family and friends for help with packing and moving and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. You should also make sure to take care of yourself during the process and don’t be afraid to ask for emotional support as well.


Moving can be a stressful experience, especially for busy mums. Taking the time to plan ahead and create a support system can go a long way in reducing your stress levels. Hiring professional movers, delegating tasks, and taking breaks can also help make the process smoother and less overwhelming. With these strategies, you can make your move a success.